Best viewed on a 1024x768 resolution. Turn on Word Wrap if your reso is lower. big thanks to Vagla for figuring out the shop locations and format buying table: $38190 - $3820F 2 bytes each, 128 bytes total table: 02 00 04 00 05 00 08 00 0A 00 0F 00 14 00 1E 00 28 00 32 00 50 00 64 00 7D 00 96 00 C8 00 FA 00 E8 03 E8 03 D0 07 E8 03 2C 01 1E 00 0A 00 C8 00 32 00 01 00 90 01 64 00 96 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 98 3A 20 4E A8 61 30 75 40 9C 50 C3 14 00 E8 FD 00 00 32 00 50 00 64 00 00 00 96 00 C8 00 FA 00 2C 01 90 01 F4 01 58 02 20 03 E8 03 DC 05 08 07 D0 07 C4 09 B8 0B A0 0F 88 13 40 1F 10 27 E0 2E Item prices: 38010 - 3820F 38030 & 38031: Price to sell Potion 38032 & 38033: Price to sell Antidote 38034 & 38035: Price to sell Gold-Pin 38038 & 38039: Price to sell Maiden's Kiss 38042 & 38043: Price to sell Ether 38036 & 38037: Price to sell Crucifix 3803A & 3803B: Price to sell Echo Screen 3803C & 3803D: Price to sell Eye Drop 3803E & 3803F: Price to sell Phoenix Down 38040 & 38041: Price to sell Elixir 38044 & 38045: Price to sell X-Potion 38046 & 38047: Price to sell Cottage 38048 & 38049: Price to sell Wind Flute 3804A & 3804B: Price to sell Earth Drum 3804C & 3804D: Price to sell Garlic 3804E & 3804F: Price to sell Unicorn 38050 & 38051: Price to sell Ice Wind 38052 & 38053: Price to sell Elder IQ 38054 & 38055: Price to sell Heart 38056 & 38057: Price to sell Shoes 38058 & 38059: Price to sell Thread 3805A & 3805B: Price to sell SilentB 3805C & 3805D: Price to sell Egg Timer 3805E & 3805F: Price to sell Death God 38060 & 38061: Price to sell Bacchus' Wine 38062 & 38063: Price to sell Dragon Bean 38064 & 38065: Price to sell Valium 38066 & 38067: Price to sell Ice Scythe 38068 & 38069: Price to sell Fang 3806A & 3806B: Price to sell Mirror 3806C & 3806D: Price to sell Hellfire 3806E & 3806F: Price to sell Phin, I imagine 38070 & 38071: Price to sell "unarmed," I think 38072 & 38073: Price to sell Buckler 38074 & 38075: Price to sell Bronze Shield 38076 & 38077: Price to sell Mithril Shield 38078 & 38079: Price to sell Gold Shield 3807A & 3807B: Price to sell Ice Shield 3807C & 3807D: Price to sell Flame Shield 3807E & 3807F: Price to sell Diamond Shield 38080 & 38081: Price to sell Dragon Shield 38082 & 38083: Price to sell Aegis Shield 38084 & 38085: Price to sell Knife 38086 & 38087: Price to sell Dagger 38088 & 38089: Price to sell Mithril Dagger 3808A & 3808B: Price to sell Gouche 3808C & 3808D: Price to sell Orhacon 3808E & 3808F: Price to sell Ripper 38090 & 38091: Price to sell CatClaw 38092 & 38093: Price to sell Cane 38094 & 38095: Price to sell Mace 38096 & 38097: Price to sell Mithril Cane 38098 & 38099: Price to sell Were Cane 3809A & 3809B: Price to sell Magic Cane 3809C & 3809D: Price to sell Power Cane 3809E & 3809F: Price to sell Evil Cane 380A0 & 380A1: Price to sell Greed Cane 380A2 & 380A3: Price to sell Diamond Cane 380A4 & 380A5: Price to sell Javelin 380A6 & 380A7: Price to sell Spear 380A8 & 380A9: Price to sell Mithril Spear 380AA & 380AB: Price to sell Trident 380AC & 380AD: Price to sell Demon 380AE & 380AF: Price to sell Flame Spear 380B0 & 380B1: Price to sell Ice Spear 380B2 & 380B3: Price to sell Bolt Spear 380B4 & 380B5: Price to sell Holy Spear 380B6 & 380B7: Price to sell Broad Sword 380B8 & 380B9: Price to sell Long Sword 380BA & 380BB: Price to sell Mithril Sword 380BC & 380BD: Price to sell Ancient Sword 380BE & 380BF: Price to sell Sleep Sword 380C0 & 380C1: Price to sell Winged Sword 380C2 & 380C3: Price to sell Blood Sword 380C4 & 380C5: Price to sell Earth Sword 380C6 & 380C7: Price to sell Flame Sword 380C8 & 380C9: Price to sell Ice Sword 380CA & 380CB: Price to sell Defender 380CC & 380CD: Price to sell Sun Sword 380CE & 380CF: Price to sell Excalibur 380D0 & 380D1: Price to sell Masamune 380D2 & 380D3: Price to sell Axe 380D4 & 380D5: Price to sell Battle Axe 380D6 & 380D7: Price to sell Mithril Axe 380D8 & 380D9: Price to sell Demon Axe 380DA & 380DB: Price to sell Ogre Axe 380DC & 380DD: Price to sell Poison Axe 380DE & 380DF: Price to sell Rune Axe 380E0 & 380E1: Price to sell Bow 380E2 & 380E3: Price to sell Long bow 380E4 & 380E5: Price to sell Mithril Bow 380E6 & 380E7: Price to sell Blind Bow 380E8 & 380E9: Price to sell Flame Bow 380EA & 380EB: Price to sell Ice Bow 380EC & 380ED: Price to sell Killer Bow 380EE & 380EF: Price to sell Yoichi Bow 380F0 & 380F1: Price to sell Leather Helmet 380F2 & 380F3: Price to sell Bronze Helmet 380F4 & 380F5: Price to sell Mithril Helmet 380F6 & 380F7: Price to sell Giant Helmet 380F8 & 380F9: Price to sell Flame Helmet 380FA & 380FB: Price to sell Diamond Helmet 380FC & 380FD: Price to sell Genji Helmet 380FE & 380FF: Price to sell Spiral Helmet 38100 & 38101: Price to sell Goldpin Helmet 38102 & 38103: Price to sell Ribbon 38104 & 38105: Price to sell Clothes 38106 & 38107: Price to sell Leather Armor 38108 & 38109: Price to sell Bronze Armor 38109 & 3810A: Price to sell Mithril Armor 3810C & 3810D: Price to sell Gold Armor 3810E & 3810F: Price to sell Knight Armor 38110 & 38111: Price to sell Flame Armor 38112 & 38113: Price to sell Ice Armor 38114 & 38115: Price to sell Diamond Armor 38116 & 38117: Price to sell Dragon Armor 38118 & 38119: Price to sell Genji Armor 3811A & 3811B: Price to sell Copper Armor 3811C & 3811D: Price to sell Silver Armor 3811E & 3811F: Price to sell Ruby Armor 38120 & 38121: Price to sell Quartz Armor 38122 & 38123: Price to sell Diamond Armor 38124 & 38125: Price to sell White Robe 38126 & 38127: Price to sell Black Robe 38128 & 38129: Price to sell Power Armor 3812A & 3812B: Price to sell Black Armor 3812C & 3812D: Price to sell Leather Gloves 3812E & 3812F: Price to sell Bronze Gloves 38130 & 38131: Price to sell Mithril Gloves 38132 & 38133: Price to sell Thief Gloves 38134 & 38135: Price to sell Giant Gloves 38136 & 38137: Price to sell Ice Gloves 38138 & 38139: Price to sell Diamond Gloves 3813A & 3813B: Price to sell Genji Gloves 3813C & 3813D: Price to sell Defender Gloves 3813E & 3813F: Price to sell Power Gloves 38140 & 38141: Price to sell Fire Scroll 38142 & 38143: Price to sell Bolt Scroll 38144 & 38145: Price to sell Ice Scroll 38146 & 38147: Price to sell Aero Scroll 38148 & 38149: Price to sell Drain Scroll 3814A & 3814B: Price to sell Osmose Scroll 3814C & 3814D: Price to sell Flare Scroll 3814E & 3814F: Price to sell Sleep Scroll 38150 & 38151: Price to sell Stone Scroll 38152 & 38153: Price to sell Stop Scroll 38154 & 38155: Price to sell Charm Scroll 38156 & 38157: Price to sell Blind Scroll 38158 & 38159: Price to sell Curse Scroll 3815A & 3815B: Price to sell Toad Scroll 3815C & 3815D: Price to sell Break Scroll 3815E & 3815F: Price to sell Death Scroll 38160 & 38161: Price to sell Warp Scroll 38162 & 38163: Price to sell Berserk Scroll 38164 & 38165: Price to sell Haste Scroll 38166 & 38167: Price to sell Aura Scroll 38168 & 38169: Price to sell Cure Scroll 3816A & 3816B: Price to sell Life Scroll 3816C & 3816D: Price to sell Peep Scroll 3816E & 3816F: Price to sell Heal Scroll 38170 & 38171: Price to sell Barrier Scroll 38172 & 38173: Price to sell Blink Scroll 38174 & 38175: Price to sell Safe Scroll 38176 & 38177: Price to sell Shell Scroll 38178 & 38179: Price to sell Wall Scroll 3817A & 3817B: Price to sell Dispel Scroll 3817C & 3817D: Price to sell Mini Scroll 3817E & 3817F: Price to sell Mute Scroll 38180 & 38181: Price to sell Anti Scroll 38182 & 38183: Price to sell Fog Scroll 38184 & 38185: Price to sell Slow Scroll 38186 & 38187: Price to sell Change Scroll 38188 & 38189: Price to sell Fear Scroll 3818A & 3818B: Price to sell Holy Scroll 3818C & 3818D: Price to sell Exit Scroll 3818E & 3818F: Price to sell Ultima Scroll $3861D - $386F5: every shop in the game, there might be more after, gonna have to test for that Shops work like this, take the first byte of an item, that is the item ID number, use the chart below. For now, let's use a Potion, ID number 10. The second byte is what price it looks at. The format is, take that number, multiply it by 2, then add 0x38010. As an example, D2. Multiply by 2 is 1A4, add 0x38010. Answer is 381B4, so look at 381B4. The table at the top has D0 07 at that byte (381B4 & 381B5), byte swap... 7D0, and you must now fork out 2000 gil to buy that potion. So the first slot in your shop would be 10 D2, and for the easy stuff, use Atlea's Weapon shop since it's first in the list. So now in your hex editor, head to offset 3861D, you should see 3A ED there, change it to 10 D2. Save, open up your rom, head to Altea's Weapon shop. Good work, now you need to pay 2000 gil for a friggin Potion... :) Altea: $3861D - $38624: weapon shop 3A ED 41 EF 4A F0 53 F1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | price 4 | | | | | | item 4 | | | | | price 3 | | | | item 3 | | | price 2 | | item 2 | price 1 item 1 Knife, 150, Cane, 250, Javelin, 300, Broad Sword, 400 $38625 - $3862C: armor shop 31 E9 70 EA 7A E6 8E E9 Buckler, 50, Leather Helmet, 80, Clothes, 20, Leather Gloves, 50 $3862D - $38634: magic shop 98 F1 99 F1 9A F1 AC EE Fire Scroll, 400, Bolt Scroll, 400, Ice Scroll, 400, Cure Scroll, 200 $38635 - $3863C: mithril weapon shop 3C F4 43 F6 4C F6 55 F7 Mithril Dagger, 800, Mithril Cane, 1500, Mithril Spear, 1500, Mithril Sword, 1800 $3863D - $38644: mithril armor shop 33 F2 72 F0 7D F5 90 F4 Mithril Shield, 500, Mithril Helmet, 300, Mithril Armor, 1000, Mithril Gloves, 800 Gatea: $38645 - $3864C: weapon shop 4A F0 53 F1 61 F2 68 ED Javelin, 300, Broad Sword, 400, Axe, 500, Bow, 150 $3864D - $38654: armor shop 31 E9 70 EA 7B EB 8E E9 Buckler, 50, Leather Helmet, 80, Leather Armor, 100, Leahter Gloves, 50 Poft: $38655 - $3865C: weapon shop 3B F1 42 F2 61 F2 68 ED Dagger, 400, Mace, 500, Axe, 500, Bow, 150 $3865D - $38664: armor shop 32 EE 71 EE 85 EE 8F F0 Bronze Shield, 200, Bronze Helmet, 200, Copper Armor, 200, Broze Gloves, 300 $38665 - $3866C: magic shop AC EE B1 F1 B2 F1 B3 F1 Cure Scroll, 200, Blink Scroll, 400, Safe Scroll, 400, Shell Scroll, 400 Unknown: $3866D - $38674: unknown mithril shop (weapons) 4C F6 55 F7 63 F8 6A F5 Mithril Spear, 1500, Mithril Sword, 1800, Mithril Axe, 2000, Mithril Bow, 1000 Salamando: $38675 - $3867C: weapon shop 42 F2 54 F3 62 F4 69 EF Mace, 500, Long Sword, 600, Battle Axe, 800, Long Bow, 250 $3867D - $38684: armor shop 32 EE 71 EE 7C F1 8F F0 Bronze Shield, 200, Bronze Helmet, 200, Bronze Armor, 400, Bronze Gloves, 300 $38685 - $3868C: magic shop AD F6 B8 F6 A8 F6 BE F6 Life Scroll, 1500, Anti Scroll, 1500, Warp Scroll, 1500, Exit Scroll, 1500 Bofsk: $3868D - $38694: weapon shop 3B F1 4B F2 54 F3 69 EF Dagger, 400, Spear, 500, Long Sword, 600, Long Bow, 250 $38695 - $3869C: armor shop 32 EE 71 EE 86 F1 8F F0 Bronze Shield, 200, Bronze Helmet, 200, Silver Armor, 400, Bronze Gloves, 300 $3869D - $386A4: magic shop BC F4 AE 4F AF F4 B7 F4 Fear Scroll, 800, Peep Scroll, 800, Heal Scroll, 800, Mute Scroll, 800 Phin: $386A5 - $386AC: weapon shop 44 FA 4D FC 58 FC 6C FC Were Cane, 3000, Trident, 5000, Winged Sword, 5000, Flame Bow, 5000 $386AD - $387B4: armor shop 34 F5 73 F3 7E F9 88 F5 Gold Shield, 1000, Giant Helmet, 600, Gold Armor, 2500, Quartz Armor, 1000 $387B5 - $387BC: magic shop B5 FA B6 FA B9 FA BA FA Dispel Scroll, 3000, Mini Scroll, 3000, Fog Scroll, 3000, Slow Scroll, 3000 Mysidia: $368BD - $369C4: weapon shop 46 FD 4F E0 65 E0 6D FC Power Cane, 8000, Flame Spear, 15,000, Ogre Axe, 15,000, Ice Bow, 5000 $386C5 - $386CC: armor shop 35 FC 7F FC 91 F5 92 F8 Ice Shield, 5000, Knight Armor, 5000, Thief Gloves, 1000, Giant Gloves, 2000 $386CD - $386D4: magic shop B0 FD B4 FD BB FD BD E1 Barrier Scroll, 8000, Wall Scroll, 8000, Change Scroll, 8000, Holy Scroll, 20,000 Tropical Island: $386D5 - $386DC: Miscellaneous 64 FE 4E FE 87 F4 1D FD Demon Axe, 10,000, Demon Spear, 10,000, Ruby Armor, 800, Earth Drum, 8000 $386DD - $386F4: all three item shops 10 E9 1A F2 16 EB 11 EE Potion, 50, X-Potion, 500, Eye Drop, 100, Antidote, 200 13 F5 15 F8 14 F9 12 F9 Crucifix, 1000, Echo Screen, 2000, Maiden's Kiss, 2500, Gold Pin, 2500 17 FC 19 F9 1B FC 18 E5 Phoenix Down, 5000, Ether, 2500, Cottage, 5000, Elixir, 50,000 Jade passage: $386F5 - $386FC: magic shop A7 FE A9 FE AA E1 9E E4 Death Scroll, 10,000, Berserk Scroll, 10,000, Haste Scroll, 20,000, Flare Scroll, 40,000 Item ID's: 00: Nothing 01-0E: Key Items 01: Ring 02: Canoe 03: Pass 04: Mithril 05: Ice Sled 06: Goddess Bell 07: Egil Torch 08: Sun Flame 09: Pendant 0A: Egg 0B: White Mask 0C: Black Mask 0D: Crystal Rod 0E: Hiryuu 0F: ??? 10-2F: Items 10: Potion 11: Antidote 12: Gold Pin 13: Crucifix 14: Maiden's Kiss 15: Echo Screen 16: Eye Drop 17: Phoenix Down 18: Elixir 19: Ether 1A: X Potion 1B: Cottage 1C: Wind Flute 1D: Earth Drum 1E: Garlic 1F: Unicorn 20: Ice Wind 21: Elder IQ 22: Heart 23: Shoes 24: Thread 25: SilentB (what the hell is this?) 26: Egg Timer 27: Death God 28: Bacchus' Wine 29: Dragon Bean 2A: Valium 2B: Ice Scythe 2C: Fang 2D: Mirror 2E: Hellfire 2F: Phin (I'm not entirely convinced this is an item.) 30: "Unarmed" 31-39: Shields 31: Buckler 32: Bronze Shield 33: Mithril Shield 34: Gold Shield 35: Ice Shield 36: Flame Shield 37: Diamond Shield 38: Dragon Shield 39: Aegis Shield 3A-40: Dirks 3A: Knife 3B: Dagger 3C: Mithril Dagger 3D: Gouche 3E: Orhacon 3F: Ripper 40: CatClaw 41-49: Canes 41: Cane 42: Mace 43: Mithril Cane 44: Were Cane 45: Magic Cane 46: Power Cane 47: Evil Cane 48: Greed Cane 49: Diamond Cane 4A-52: Spears 4A: Javelin 4B: Spear 4C: Mithril Spear 4D: Trident 4E: Demon 4F: Flame Spear 50: Ice Spear 51: Bolt Spear 52: Holy Spear 53-60: Swords 53: Broad Sword 54: Long Sword 55: Mithril Sword 56: Ancient Sword 57: Sleep Sword 58: Winged Sword 59: Blood Sword 5A: Earth Sword 5B: Flame Sword 5C: Ice Sword 5D: Defender 5E: Sun Sword 5F: Excalibur 60: Masamune 61-67: Axe's 61: Axe 62: Battle Axe 63: Mithril Axe 64: Demon Axe 65: Ogre Axe 66: Poison Axe 67: Rune Axe 68-6F: Bow's 68: Bow 69: Long bow 6A: Mithril Bow 6B: Blind Bow 6C: Flame Bow 6D: Ice Bow 6E: Killer Bow 6F: Yoichi Bow 70-79: Helmets 70: Leather Helmet 71: Bronze Helmet 72: Mithril Helmet 73: Giant Helmet 74: Flame Helmet 75: Diamond Helmet 76: Genji Helmet 77: Spiral Helmet 78: Goldpin Helmet 79: Ribbon 7A-8D: Armor 7A: Clothes 7B: Leather Armor 7C: Bronze Armor 7D: Mithril Armor 7E: Gold Armor 7F: Knight Armor 80: Flame Armor 81: Ice Armor 82: Diamond Armor 83: Dragon Armor 84: Genji Armor 85: Copper Armor 86: Silver Armor 87: Ruby Armor 88: Quartz Armor 89: Diamond Armor 8A: White Robe 8B: Black Robe 8C: Power Armor 8D: Black Armor 8E-97: Gloves 8E: Leather Gloves 8F: Bronze Gloves 90: Mithril Gloves 91: Thief Gloves 92: Giant Gloves 93: Ice Gloves 94: Diamond Gloves 95: Genji Gloves 96: Defender Gloves 97: Power Gloves 98-BF: Scrolls 98: Fire Scroll 99: Bolt Scroll 9A: Ice Scroll 9B: Aero Scroll 9C: Drain Scroll 9D: Osmose Scroll 9E: Flare Scroll 9F: Sleep Scroll A0: Stone Scroll A1: Stop Scroll A2: Charm Scroll A3: Blind Scroll A4: Curse Scroll A5: Toad Scroll A6: Break Scroll A7: Death Scroll A8: Warp Scroll A9: Berserk Scroll AA: Haste Scroll AB: Aura Scroll AC: Cure Scroll AD: Life Scroll AE: Peep Scroll AF: Heal Scroll B0: Barrier Scroll B1: Blink Scroll B2: Safe Scroll B3: Shell Scroll B4: Wall Scroll B5: Dispel Scroll B6: Mini Scroll B7: Mute Scroll B8: Anti Scroll B9: Fog Scroll BA: Slow Scroll BB: Change Scroll BC: Fear Scroll BD: Holy Scroll BE: Exit Scroll BF: Ultima Scroll C0 - E7: Spells (in characters spell menu) C0: Fire C1: Bolt C2: Ice C3: Aero C4: Drain C5: Osmose C6: Flare C7: Sleep C8: Stone C9: Stop CA: Charm CB: Blind CC: Curse CD: Toad CE: Break CF: Death D0: Warp D1: Berserk D2: Haste (Fast) D3: Aura D4: Cure D5: Life D6: Peep (Basuna) D7: Heal (Esuna) D8: Barrier D9: Blink DA: Safe DB: Shell DC: Wall DD: Dispel DE: Mini DF: Mute E0: Anti E1: Fog E2: Slow E3: Change E4: Fear E5: Holy E6: Exit E7: Ultima